Dr. Mahdhivan Syafwan

Matematika Gelombang dan Numerik

Profile Dosen

NIP 198208032006041001
Tempat / Tanggal Lahir Padang / 1982-08-03
Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki
Pangkat / Golongan Penata Tk. I/III/d
No.Hp 081276593951
E-mail mahdhivan@sci.unand.ac.id
Staff Handbook
Web 1 http://matematika.fmipa.unand.ac.id/mahdhivan
Curiculum Vitae CV [ Unduh ]


S3, The University of Nottingham, 2012
S1, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2005
SMA, SMA 1 Padang, 2001

Research Interest

My research interests are in analytical and numerical studies of nonlinear waves in partial and ordinary differential equations for discrete and continuous domains. Particular interest has been devoted to the study of nonlinear Schrödinger equations modeling physical reality in many different fields, including condensed matter physics, micro-electromechanical oscillators and nonlinear optics. In addition, I am also interested in mathematical modeling and numerical applications in daily-life and social issues, such as scheduling problems, love dynamics, language competition, traffic dynamics, epidemic dynamics, tsunami evacuation optimization, digital image processing, etc.


2022, D. Fadhiliani, M. Ikhwan, M. Ramli, S. Rizal, M. Syafwan, Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management (GJESM), Distribution of energy in propagation for ocean extreme wave generation in hydrodynamics laboratory
2020, Dwi Fadhiliani, Vera Halfiani, Muhammad Ikhwan, Haves Qausar, Said Munzir, Syamsul Rizal, Mahdhivan Syafwan, Marwan Ramli, Heliyon, The dynamics of surface wave propagation based on the Benjamin Bona Mahony equation
2020, Haves Qausar, Marwan Ramli, Said Munzir, Mahdhivan Syafwan, Hadi Susanto, Vera Halfiani, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Nontrivial On-site Soliton Solutions for Stationary Cubic-Quintic Discrete Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
2020, Elvathna Syafwan, Efendi, Narwen, Mahdhivan Syafwan, Jurnal Ipteks Terapan (Research of Applied Science and Education), THE APPLICATION OF TRIDIAGONAL MATRIX ALGORITHM IN CUBIC SPLINE INTERPOLATION
2020, Ahmad Ripai, Zulfi Abdullah, Mahdhivan Syafwan, Wahyu Hidayat, Jurnal Ilmu Fisika (JIF), Benchmarking of the Split-Step Fourier Method on Solving a Soliton Propagation Equation in a Nonlinear Optical Medium
2019, Syafwan, H., Sutra, Y. Y., Alkhairi, R., Syafwan, M., Ramdhan, W.1 and Yusda, R. A., MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, A Mathematical Proof of Explicit Formulas for the Coefficients of Finite Difference Approximations of Second Derivatives
2019, Havid Syafwan, Mahdhivan Syafwan, William Ramdhan, Riki Andri Yusda, JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM KOMPUTASI RUMUS EKSPLISIT METODE BEDA HINGGA PADA TURUNAN KEDUA MENGGUNAKAN MATLAB
2019, Ahmad Ripai, Zulfi Abdullah, Mahdhivan Syafwan, Jurnal Fisika Unand, Analisis Solusi Persamaan Burger Sebagai Solusi Soliton Menggunakan Transformasi Hopf-Cole
2018, Riza Asfa, Azzahro Fitri Azadi, Zita Putri Netris, Mahdhivan Syafwan, J. Math. and Its Appl., Aproksimasi Variasional untuk Soliton Onsite pada Persamaan Schrödinger Nonlinier Diskrit Kubik-Kuintik
2016, M Syafwan, P Kevrekidis, A Paris-Mandoki, I Lesanovsky, P Kruger, L Hackermuller and H Susanto, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. , Superfluid flow past an obstacle in annular Bose-Einstein condensates
2015, Mahdhivan Syafwan, International Journal of Aplied Mathematics and Statistics, Onsite dark solitons in a parametrically driven damped discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation
2012, M. Syafwan, H. Susanto, S.M. Cox, and B.A. Malomed, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, Variational approximations for travelling solitons in a discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation
2010, M. Syafwan, H. Susanto, and S.M. Cox, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Discrete solitons in electromechanical resonators